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Home About My-Mu Resources Book Store Interactive Media Links The Sun is Not a Superheated Body, He Declares

The following is a transcription of an undated newspaper article by James Churchward contained in one of his scrapbooks
Editor Argus: The orthodox theory about the sun is an exceedingly hot superheated body of over 15,000 degrees F or C, I do not remember which. That she is sending forth flames of an immense length which shoot through the sun's atmosphere at about 400,000 miles per second; or about twice the velocity of light. That the sun's heat warms all of the solar system, in other words our heat comes from the sun.
The sun is not a superheated body; it is a cool body but highly magnetic.

Our heat is an earthly force contained in the body of the earth and in the atmosphere.

A natural law is: the nearer we get to a source of heat so we find the temperature rising: but: the nearer we get to the sun so we find the temperature falls - the reverse to natural laws: therefore the sun is not the source of our heat, but, it comes from the earth.

The sun revolves on her axis and her poles oscillate, movements similar to those of the earth: therefore, the sun is governed by a superior sun. To be governed by a superior sun, our sun must be generating magnetic forces affinitive to the forces of the superior sun. To generate magnetic forces it is absolutely essential that that she have an outside hard crust: to be had (hard?) it must be cold, otherwise it would turn into gases; gases cannot generate magnetic forces. To control her movements; namely, revolving on her axis and oscillating her poles our sun must have a storehouse for her forces. Solid cold elements are the storehouses of forces: thus again it is shown that the sun's crust like that of the earth is solid and cold.

The temperatures assigned to the sun would turn her into a mass of gases in a few days.

The sun's so-called flames travel at 400,000 miles per second where does resistance of the sun's atmosphere come in here?

Flames of the magnitude of the so-called sun's flames would have consumed her millions upon millions of years ago, and we should not be able today to worry about the eclipse.

The sun does not emit flames. What we see are light rays passing through the sun's highly specialized atmosphere after having been divided and filtered out from the parent rays; on passing through the double layer of specialized clouds which envelop her body. What are known as heat rays cannot be seen nor are they recorded on the prism.

The shape of a ray is like a fine perfectly straight hair the shape of a flame is wavy. Watch a searchlight throwing its rays into the sky, and watch the eclipse on Saturday. You will see no wavy line in the sun's corona.

James Churchward

As an aside, this scrapbook page also contains a note about a presentation on WNYC entitled, "Pigmy Hunting in Central America" by Colonel Churchward. The scale is the same on the headline above and the radio program announcement below:

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